CHAINGUARD™ I-15 is a high-efficiency free-radical scavenger used to shortstop emulsion styrene-butadiene and acrylonitrile-butadiene polymerization reactions in the production of SBR and NBR elastomers. CHAINGUARD I-15 is an excellent multipurpose shortstop that can be used alone to provide both excellent Mooney Viscosity control and effective popcorn polymer prevention. Because of its unique physical properties, IPHA partitions almost equally between the latex and vapor phases during monomer recovery, thus providing excellent control in both phases. CHAINGUARD I-15 is also expected to effectively stop other commercially important free-radical processes, such as suspension polymerization of vinyl chloride, and emulsion polymerizations of chloroprene and fluorinated olefins.
- Synthetic Rubber
- Chemical Manufacturing and Synthesis
- Form Liquid
- Flash point (Setaflash closed cup) 46°C
- pH 10.6
- Color (APHA) 20
- Crystallization point -5°C
*Values shown are typical properties and are not to be considered product specifications. Test methods available upon request.
- Efficient stopping of polymerization reaction (excellent Mooney Viscosity stability)
- Prevention of popcorn polymer in monomer recovery units (reduced maintenance and downtime)
- Possible cost savings vs. conventional shortstops
- Ideal for producing nitrosamine-free rubber compliant with German regulation TRGS 552
- Avoids emission problems associated with other shortstop chemistries
- Minimizes corrosion problems
- Favorable elastomer color
- Reduced carryover of shortstop into recycled monomer
Broadly registered for use in all major geographies
CHAINGUARD I-15 is shown to be the superior choice for production of rubber compliant with the TRGS 552 regulation in Germany (Technische Regeln fur Gefahrstoffe-Technical rules for hazardous substances). CHAINGUARD I-15 does not contain nitrosamine precursors of concern in TRGS 552, nor will it form such precursors under foreseeable SBR / NBR polymerization conditions.
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